Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Little Things

JJ titled this blog.

I'm only writing this one so I don't fall out of the habit of blogging. Also, I know my parents, my sisters, along with JJ's parents and siblings wouldn't mind knowing what our lives are like.

We live in a studio apartment that used to be a hotel. It's not a palace but we don't mind all that much. (Though we're dying to live somewhere else. :) It's got a main room for our little two-person sofa, portable closet, desk, bed, table, book shelf, and we even have a T.V.! Most (all) of the furniture came with the apartment and doesn't belong to us--but, that's just what we needed for now. Someday we'll have our own (donations are welcome ;). We. Have. The. Absolute. Tiniest. Kitchen. You. Have. Ever. Seen. Seriously. For those of you that got us lovely things like our Kitchen Aid, Rocket Blender, Pots and Pans--Rest assured they haven't been taken out of the box and/or they are under our bed. We find storage wherever we can. So, the kitchen--think fridge, microwave, two shelves, and a hot plate all in a "4x4" closet. :) JJ think he's "playing jenga" every time we have to cook or clean dishes. Our apartment is tiny. Most usually we are on campus until around dinner time anyway. I'd show you a picture if I felt like folding all of the clean laundry--which I don't. :)

I'm learning spanish! It's definitely my favorite and most challenging class this semester. Yes, I do study for it more than anatomy! I see a tutor every Tuesday, and of course my sweet husband helps tremendously! For those of you who don't know, my in-laws all speak/understand spanish for the most part! My mother-in-law, Patty, is from Mexico. JJ's dad speaks spanish too! JJ and his brother both served spanish-speaking missions, and I'm pretty sure his sister, Christina, understands/speaks some. Learning spanish is important to me and I want my children to grow up bilingual. Did you know that within just 50 years spanish is expected to be the first language of 50% of americans?!

Just a wild guess but, I think Philosophy is JJ's favorite class this semester;). Except it isn't quite as difficult for him as spanish is for me. JJ is always reading out of the philosophy text book and he won't say these words--but he is ahead of most of his class. He keeps saying if it made any money he'd want to study it forever! You'll have to ask him more about it, he LOVES to talk about it ;).

WE get to go to HAWAII in april!! My parents bought us plane tickets! JJ's parents are letting us use their time share! We are so lucky! Excited! Anxious! AHH!! :)

Rock climbing. JJ is a huge rock climber. I am terrified of heights. Alas, I knew the time was coming when JJ's leg would be ready for climbing again and I'd be dragged along. To my surprise I found I liked it. I got a little bit higher every time, and eventually got to the top, and eventually finished a route. What an accomplishment that is! I just love the feeling of overcoming a fear and then turning around and mastering it! JJ is soooo good. I love to watch his monkey-self climb with so much ease--he has quite the talent! He volunteers at the Rock Wall so we get to climb for free whenever we want to! So this is of course our date-night activity.

Crazy Mikes. Rexburgians- if you get a free membership at Crazy Mike's movie rentals you get to rent a children's/family movie for free every monday! Another one of our cheap-o dates. We hardly ever miss a monday, and we almost always rent Shrek 2.

That's about it in a nut shell. We'll keep you updated of course with further happenings of our lovely life together. :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your life snapshots. I am so happy that you two are doing well and finding ways to have fun. You are forever my little princess and I am grateful that Sir Knight JJ of the realm of Nevada is of such worthy and noble stock that I may lie confident in his ability to honor my beloved daughter.
    With deep love from your father, King Russell of the realm of Utah
