Saturday, February 9, 2013

Can't Win...Or Can I? ;)

I hate folding laundry! With. A. Passion. 
However, you know what I hate more? 
Not folding it day after day after day until my sweet husband does it. 
What kind of lazy brat am I?! 
Why can't the laundry just do its darn rotten self--Lightbulb.

This is why people have CHILDREN. I could not think of a reasonable answer before. (jk) Seriously though, You have children. Children="do-these-chores-or-you-get-nothing-but-misery." I could probably get used to that. Yeah, I could definitely live with that.


  1. lol!!! I wish my children work that way :) and FYI I have laundry as well. That and dishes are my least favorite things.

  2. Oh yeah. Disdain for dishes as well! Especially with out a dishwasher. :D

  3. You see how well having children worked out for us, lol. Especially when it came to DISHES and Nikki.
